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发布时间:2021-04-07 23:02:55


Skin - Sixx A.M.
Paint yourself a picture
Of what you wish you looked like
Maybe then they just might

Feel an ounce of your pain
Come into focus
Step out of the shadows
It's a losing battle

There's no need to be ashamed

'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars

They don't see the angel
Living in your heart
Let them find the real you
Buried deep within

Let them know with all you've got

That you are not your skin, oh, oh

And when they start to judge you

Show them your true colors

And do unto others

As you'd have done to you
Just rise above this
Kill them with your kindness
Ignorance is blindness

They're the ones that stand to lose

'Cause they don't even know you
All they see is scars
They don't see the angel
Living in your heart
Let them find the real you
Buried deep within

Let them know with all you've got
That you are not your skin, oh

Well, they don't even know you
All they see is scars
And they don't see the angels
Living in your heart
So let them find the real you
Buried deep within
Let them know with all you've got

That you are not, you are not your skin, oh, oh

2、外国的一个灾难片 是有龙卷风的好像 反正是关于天气的 最后是几个人用全城电力产生离子束制止的天气

龙卷风: 龙卷风暴 海报原名:Twister 又名:龙卷风 / 龙卷风暴 导演:简 德 邦特 (Jan de Bont) 主演;海伦·亨特 比尔·帕克斯顿 加利·艾尔维斯 演员表Actor: * Helen Hunt海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt ....Dr. Jo Harding * Bill Paxton比尔·帕克斯顿 Bill Paxton ....Bill Harding * Cary Elwes加利·艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes ....Dr. Jonas Miller * Jami Gertz ....Dr. Melissa Reeves * Philip Seymour Hoffman菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman ....Dustin Davis * Lois Smith ....Meg Greene * Alan Ruck阿兰·卢克 Alan Ruck ....Robert 'Rabbit' Nurick * Sean Whalen西恩·瓦兰 Sean Whalen ....Allan Sanders * Scott Thomson ....Jason 'Preacher' Rowe * Todd Field托德·菲尔德 Todd Field ....Tim 'Beltzer' Lewis * Joey Slotnick ....Joey * Wendle Josepher ....Haynes * Jeremy Davies杰瑞米·戴维斯 Jeremy Davies ....Laurence * Zach Grenier ....Eddie * Gregory Sporleder ....Willie * Patrick Fischler ....The Communicator * Nicholas Sadler ....Kubrick * Ben Weber ....Stanley * Anthony Rapp ....Tony * Eric LaRay Harvey ....Eric * Abraham Benrubi ....Bubba * Jake Busey ....Mobile Lab Technician * Melanie Hoopes ....Patty * J. Dean Lindsay ....Dean * Dan Kelpine ....Diner Mechanic * Sharonlyn Morrow ....Waitress * Richard Lineback理查德·莱恩巴克 Richard Lineback ....Mr. Thornton * Rusty Schwimmer ....Mrs. Thornton * Alexa Vega阿丽夏·维加 Alexa Vega ....Jo Harding age 6 * Taylor Gilbert ....Bryce, NSSL Scientist * Bruce Wright ....Murphy, NSSL Scientist * Gary England ....TV Meteorologist #1 * Jeff Lazalier ....TV Meteorologist #2 * Richard A. Mitchell ....TV Meteorologist #3 (as Rick Mitchell) * John Thomas Rhyne ....Paramedic * Paul Douglas ....Bodger * Samantha McDonald ....Drive-In Girl * Jennifer L. Hamilton ....Drive-In Girl * Anneke de Bont ....Farm Girl * Thomas E. Bentley ....Farmer 1 (uncredited) * Darryl Cox ....Four Corners Mechanic (uncredited) * Ben Jackson ....Survivor (uncredited) * Brenda Whitehead ....Drive-In Spectator (uncredited) 上映年度: 1996龙卷风暴剧情看点:经典灾难片,龙卷风是此片的真正主角。人类受好奇心驱使,如果此剧中的灾难是狂风暴雨,恐怕观众就会兴趣骤减。 制片国家/地区: 美国
美国60年代,一场恐怖的龙卷风暴袭击了乔.哈汀 一家,乔的父亲为了保护家人而被风暴卷走。幼年的经历促使乔长大后成了一名专业研究龙卷风的气象专家。 时至九十年代,乔的丈夫比尔.哈汀带着女友美丽莎前来找乔在离婚证书上签字。比尔也曾经是追逐龙卷风的气象专家。在乔的追风队中,乔告诉他他以前设计的龙卷风探测仪“多罗茜”已经制造成功了;比尔十分高兴,终于决定再一次追风。 在追风的路程中,另一支由裘纳斯带领的车队超过了他们。裘纳斯取得了大公司的赞助,拥有先进的仪器设备,他还盗取了比尔和乔的研究成果,想借此成名。在乔和比尔与龙卷风的交锋中,两只“多罗茜”由于设计不全面而报废;而美丽莎却因无法忍受这种惊险、动荡的生活而与比尔分手,她认为乔更适合他。 又一个大型龙卷风袭来,乔和比尔赶到,及时救出了乔的妈妈;同时,两人受到风铃的启发,改进了探测仪。龙卷风暴再次袭来,裘纳斯不听劝告而被龙卷风将车队一扫而空。比尔下定决心亲自涉险,终于成功地放飞了最后一只“多罗茜”,通过成千上万的小探测器,追风队终于收到了完整的风暴中心的资料,他们终于成功了。比尔和乔也凭借机智和勇敢躲避开死神的袭击。龙卷风过后,共同的历险又使爱意在两人的心底复燃了。









5、龙卷风是怎样形成的中英文Tornado Season Returns

Tornadoes are the procts of thunderstorms in the clouds. In particular, a tornado is a form of a small portion of the huge energy of a thunderstorm that is released in a very small area. The formation of tornado can be divided into four stages:
(1) the instability of the atmosphere proces a strong updraft, which is further strengthened e to the influence of the maximum flow of airflow in the jet.
(2) e to the interaction of wind with shear in vertical direction, the ascending air begins to rotate in the middle part of the troposphere, forming mesoscale cyclone.
(3) as the mesoscale cyclone develops toward the ground and extends upward, it itself becomes thinner and enhanced. At the same time, a small area of increased convergence, that the nascent tornado formed in the cyclone, cyclone in the same process, the formation of tornado core.
(4) rotation and tornado core of the cyclone in the different, its strength is sufficient to tornado has been extended to the ground. When the vortex of development reaches the ground height, the ground air pressure drops sharply and the ground wind speed rises sharply, forming a tornado.


所向披靡suǒ xiàng pī mǐ
[释义] 风所吹到的地方;草木全被吹倒。比喻力量所达到的地方;一切障碍全被扫除。所向:指风吹到的地方;靡:音米;披靡:草木被吹倒。
[语出] 《梁书·萧确传》:“钟山之役;确苦战;所向披靡;群虏惮之。”
[正音] 靡;不能读作“mí”。
[辨形] 靡;不能写作“糜”。
[近义] 所向无敌 一往无前
[反义] 强弩之末 畏缩不前
[用法] 用作褒义。一般作谓语、定语。
[结构] 主谓式。
[辨析] ~和“所向无敌”;都有“力量强大;无往不胜”的意思。但~表示力量强大没有阻挡;有比喻性;“所向无敌”表示没有竞争对手;有陈述性。
[英译] sweep away all obstacles

7、<龙卷风>参考了<making love out nothing at all>了么?





钢筋水泥中的灵魂。但所有者都是在节目互 动环节产 生,奖品

也只是小礼物。该工作人员称,最 近,主持人 已在节目中现场辟谣,

目的确有取幸运观众 的环节,结果也是以短信通知,



The tornado is a 涡旋 : dragon air around the shaft to rotate rapidly, by a tornado center pressure was reced to attract, dozens of a thin layer of air currents from all sides, by inhalation 涡旋 bottom. and then into the vortex of 轴心, the strong wind always cyclones, the centre of pressure around 10% lower than the pressure.

The atmosphere of instability have a strong rising air currents, the current in the flow of traffic, it was further strengthened
In a vertical, horizontal with the speed and direction are never get wind of interaction, rising air currents in the troposphere central began to revolve, forming scale necessitated
With the scale necessitated to the development and progress, itself became fine and strengthened. meanwhile, a small area of increased support to that of the dragon born in the form, cyclones necessitated the same process and the formation of a tornado core
A tornado's whirling core and cyclones in, it was strong enough to make a tornado to the ground. when development reached the surface pressure, the ground with a sharp rise to form strom

