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发布时间:2020-08-26 00:18:58


Dumpling is one of the famous snack in Ningbo, China is the representative of snacks, has a very long history. According to legend, glutinous rice balls originated in the song dynasty. At that time, each district is arisen have a novel food, which uses a variety of candies do stuffing, with glutinous rice powder outside rolled into balls, cooked, sweet and delicious to eat together, be full of wit and humour. Because of the glutinous rice balls cooked in the pot and floating and sinking, so it first called " floating element ", and later in some areas " floating element " was renamed the lantern. With northern Ningbo ring the Spring Festival, people have the family sit together morning poly mpling tradition汤圆是宁波的著名小吃之一,也是我国的代表小吃之一,历史十分悠久。据传,汤圆起源于宋朝。当时各地兴起吃一种新奇食品,即用各种果饵做馅,外面用糯米粉搓成球,煮熟后,吃起来香甜可口,饶有风趣。因为这种糯米球煮在锅里又浮又沉,所以它最早叫“浮元子”,后来有的地区把“浮元子”改称元宵。与北方人不同,宁波人在春节早晨都有合家聚坐共进汤圆的传统
Has 100 years of history of the characteristic snack -- Xikou thousand layers cake
" The best in all the land. " real name " overlay-maps ", is a local proction of a cake, the main raw materials are flour, taro powder, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, sesame, seaweed and other. Approach is to first taro powder and flour and together with Shanghai, algae, rolling into a thin sheet, and then folded up with charcoal baking made entrance crisp, sweet.


双皮奶是:Stewed Milk Beancurd
猪肚包鸡 还没学额。。不好意思


驴打滚 soybean cake
艾窝抄窝 Steamed rice cakes with sweet stuffing)
炒肝 Stewed Liver
糖卷果 Chinese yam and date rolls
姜丝排叉 Fried ginger slices
奶油袭炸糕 Fried butter cake
豌豆黄 Pea cake
蜜麻花 Ear-shaped twists with sugar
豆汁 Fermented mung bean juice
油茶 Chatang / Miancha / Youcha
馓子麻花 Crisp noodle
萨其马 Caramel treats
焦圈 Fried ring
糖火烧 Sweetened baked wheaten cake
豆馅zd烧饼 Bean paste cake/Subsidence fried beans


我的家乡在贵阳市,那里是个风景优美,物产丰富的地方。我家乡的特产不但品种多得数不胜数,而且味道很好,很多人都慕名而来,都想品尝一下。我家乡的特产分别有:胖大的闸蟹.鲜美的螃蟹.软绵绵的珍珠饴. 独特的烧饼夹里脊。但是我更喜欢硕大的石榴。


Shuangpi Nai, as the name suggests,

are containing double skin milk . In Shunde,A said that when the children of farmers called
Ho shisan cooked breakfast in the early morning,accidentally the milk curdle a pellicle ,soon
one old friends know the values and went to buy the formula,to open a food stall, E ating Shunde Shuangpi Nai has become a tradition,Shuangpi Nai was handed down from the end of Qing Dynasty.Eat Shuangpi Nai,in fact,the most important thing is the Smoothness and ellow of the milk pellicle beside the milk sweet.Shuang Pinai is white and slip,giving the feeling of a dignified and gentle;aroma,sour milk,enough egg flavor,The rich creamy tangy reminiscent the mild spring of boundless prairie.

STEP 1.do preparations: fullcream milk: 250ml, one egg white(uncooked)

(500 ml fullcream milk requires a double quantity of two egg white)

STEP 2.get the milk boiled, then pour it into a bowl(better a small one),leaving it untouched.

STEP 3.wait until the milk gets cool. by when a layer of cream will form floating above the milk.

STEP 4.pour the boiled milk out into another bowl without tearing or breaking the cream layer,which will stay at the bottom of the bowl after all the milk has been drained.

STEP 5.get the uncooked egg white thoroughly stired, then blend it with the boiled milk.

STEP 6.pour the mixture back to the bowl with the layer at bottom, slowly as you could so the layer will float again above the liquid.

STEP 7:steam it for about 10 minutes,and lt will come like this:


Shuangpi Nai, as the name suggests,

are containing double skin milk . In Shunde,A said that when the children of farmers called
Ho shisan cooked breakfast in the early morning,accidentally the milk curdle a pellicle ,soon
one old friends know the values and went to buy the formula,to open a food stall, E ating Shunde Shuangpi Nai has become a tradition,Shuangpi Nai was handed down from the end of Qing Dynasty.Eat Shuangpi Nai,in fact,the most important thing is the Smoothness and ellow of the milk pellicle beside the milk sweet.Shuang Pinai is white and slip,giving the feeling of a dignified and gentle;aroma,sour milk,enough egg flavor,The rich creamy tangy reminiscent the mild spring of boundless prairie.

STEP 1.do preparations: fullcream milk: 250ml, one egg white(uncooked)

(500 ml fullcream milk requires a double quantity of two egg white)

STEP 2.get the milk boiled, then pour it into a bowl(better a small one),leaving it untouched.

STEP 3.wait until the milk gets cool. by when a layer of cream will form floating above the milk.

STEP 4.pour the boiled milk out into another bowl without tearing or breaking the cream layer,which will stay at the bottom of the bowl after all the milk has been drained.

STEP 5.get the uncooked egg white thoroughly stired, then blend it with the boiled milk.

STEP 6.pour the mixture back to the bowl with the layer at bottom, slowly as you could so the layer will float again above the liquid.

STEP 7:steam it for about 10 minutes,and lt will come like this:

